I know that i don't write much on here, and when I do, its about Hailey and updates in our lives. But today I feel the need to do something different. You see, today is different. I have a lot on my mind.
One year ago today, my grandfather, Keith Harris, passed away. He was a very simple man. A man of few words. Yet, in spending time with him, I have learned some very valuable life lessons.
I had the privilege of spending the last week of my grandpa's life with him. I watched him pass away. And while many people may think that is a little weird, I will honestly admit that it was the most spiritual experience of my life. There are things that I witnessed and was a part of during that week that I will only share with relatively few people, but I felt like during that last week, I grew closer to Grandpa Harris than I have ever been. He was an amazing man.
As we sat by his bedside one year ago, my testimony was deepened in the simple truths of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I know that because of our Savior there is life after death. And while death can be a sorrowful occasion from our perspective, it is a glorious and beautiful thing. That man is no longer bound to an aged, and illness-stricken body. He is free of this mortal experience. I miss him dearly, as I know many people do, but I rejoice in the fact that he is continuing his mission on the other side of the veil.
Grandpa, we miss you. We miss your experimental dishes, which sometimes scared us a little bit. We miss playing SkipBo with you, even though you usually cheated. We miss sharing some cherry pie with you. I miss just seeing you sitting on the couch, reading your novels. Thank you for what you taught me. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for being the best grandpa a girl could ask for.